Why Families Love Cozi
Families come in all shapes and sizes, and Cozi helps ALL of them!
Our customers say it best…
What moms say:
Before Cozi, my husband & I kept 3 separate calendars on our computers that did not sync, as well as a white board calendar on the wall. It was hard to keep everything organized for 2 adults, 2 kids, and 2 pets! Now with Cozi, we keep everything in one place and can check it on the go instead of having to wait until we get home to confirm availability. I also love having access to the shopping and to do lists from our phones because it saves paper.
-Deena (CO)
I love that my husband always has access to Cozi, so there’s never any question about what we have going on.
-Katrina (MN)
I keep the entire family on track by adding the school calendars, sports schedules, doctor appointments and my work schedule to Cozi. This helps everyone in the family know what is coming and what they need to be prepared for. It also ensures that the kids are at the right place on time.
-The Sandoval Family (CA)
I use Cozi to make sure my husband knows what’s going on with the kids and me. He works different shifts, so it is hard for him to keep up with what’s happening with our family. Our weekly Cozi schedule is emailed to him so he knows when I’m working, when cheer practice starts and what time soccer practice is. Now when he’s not working, he knows when he can see the kids practice their sports or see a special event at their schools. I also use the to do list frequently and one of my favorite features of Cozi is the picture screen saver.
-The Matthews Family (NC)
Sometimes I add goofy stuff on it (like “go cash in lottery ticket”) and it syncs to my husband’s calendar and makes him laugh.
-Cheryce (IA)
This tool has been a LIFE SAVER for my family! I no longer have to nag at my husband to remind him of the kids’ crazy sports schedules and programs for school. He now has access and reminders of what is going on. My kids also use it to see what they have for the week so there aren’t any surprises. I use Cozi for everything—schedules, doctors appointments, birthdays, favorite college team schedules, fundraising dates, to do lists for fall and spring cleaning, etc. I don’t know how I managed life before it.
-The Osakas (NY)
I love Cozi!! I don’t know how I accomplished anything before it. I love using it to keep appointments, and also use it for a to do list and keep my menus on it.
-Posted on Cozi Facebook wall
My family has a lot going on! My hubby works out of state so he travels frequently and does not have a “regular Mon-Fri” schedule. My kids are in elementary school and have all sorts of activities to keep up with; not to mention after-school care for 2 days, bus-rider other days, and some days when Mom’s off work, the very special car-rider. I am a full-time working mom who likes to make sure all my family is where they are supposed to be at all times. Cozi makes it all possible. “I’m on top of it,” is my mantra!
-The Andrews Family (TX)
Between our jobs and our children’s schedules our calendar is packed. With Cozi, we don’t miss a beat. If I hadn’t gotten the reminder, I would have forgotten to pick up something I needed for my daughter before I headed out of town. Cozi is so important to me it’s amazing. We even have “take the dog out” reminders going to our teenager’s phone.
-The Camphors (Washington D.C.)
With Cozi, I’m able to get mine and my husband’s work schedules, along with the kid’s school schedule all in one place!! It is such a great help to me.
-The Bailey Family (CA)
It’s been a very long time since I’ve gotten excited about something new on the Internet that could make life easier. I’m always looking for new ways to organize my family so I can stay on top of things. I try something out for a day and then it doesn’t seem to work quite right so I give up on it and look for something new. Then last night I saw a link to Cozi and I have to tell you I’m obsessed!! My family thought I was crazy because I couldn’t stop talking about it and then I went in to work this morning and I showed everyone how great it was. They’re all downloading the app on their phones and then going home to put it on their computers. Thank you so much, I truly love this program.
-Dizzy (WA)
I couldn’t survive without my Cozi. I have my husband and 8-year old hooked up on it as well and they will add things to the lists or journals-absolute lifesaver! They both use iProducts and I use Droid but it all works seamlessly. It’s very common in our house to say, “Cozi it” so it gets done! LOL
-Posted on Cozi Facebook wall
What dads say:
I was looking for something that could help my family and me keep better track of our time. I needed something that we could use to keep my wife and I from double booking or spreading ourselves too thin. That’s when I found Cozi. My wife and I work full-time and have 4 beautiful kids. My children love to play soccer and baseball and any parent will attest, kids sports can consume a large chunk of evenings and weekends. In a nutshell….we are a very busy family. Since using Cozi, we have been able to organize and prioritize ourselves in ways I could only imagine. I love the feature that sets a reminder on my phone! It’s saved me on more than one occasion. My wife loves Cozi because she can get to the calendar anytime and anywhere to view or change the schedule as needed. I just recently added items to the “to do list” and amazingly enough, I have even found the time to get a couple of things marked off of it. The only regret I have with Cozi is that I didn’t start using it sooner.
-John (NC)
My wife and I love how we can use Cozi from our phones and the computer. I have it on my Blackberry and she has it on her iPhone and it works great. My wife’s favorite thing about it is being able to list our son’s chores so she’s not always nagging at him.
-The Wagner Family (OR)
Cozi has been a lifesaver for us! We could not possibly nail down one thing that Cozi has helped us with because we have so many things happening at once with five kids. And that is what is so great about Cozi – it makes some sense out of our chaotic schedules. Taekwondo lessons, baseball practice, mom’s teaching schedule, dad’s travel schedule, kids’ birthday parties, church activities… the list is just too long. Cozi is synced to the work Outlook calendars and works like a charm to keep us all on the same page.
-The Pradel Family (TX)
This is a fantastic app for busy families – I am very impressed. It’s easy to use and comprehensive in terms of the ways it gives you to organize activities and events. We overlaid my Outlook calendar with Cozi so work and home are synced and my wife loves it.
-Charlie (VA)
What families with 3 or more kids say:
I have all three of my kid’s sports, school, and other activities as well as mine and my husband’s schedules in Cozi. I sync it to my work calendar so I am always on top of where I need to be and when.
-The Bondy Family (MN)
Cozi has been a lifesaver for us! We could not possibly nail down one thing that Cozi has helped us with because we have so many things happening at once with five kids. And that is what is so great about Cozi – it makes some sense out of our chaotic schedules. Taekwondo lessons, baseball practice, mom’s teaching schedule, dad’s travel schedule, kids’ birthday parties, church activities… the list is just too long. Cozi is synced to the work Outlook calendars and works like a charm to keep us all on the same page.
-The Pradel Family (TX)
Cozi has been a saving grace for us. My husband and I sit down at the end of each week to schedule the following week… who is picking/dropping off, taking kids to appointments, who is making dinner, who is doing the grocery shopping, who is doing the laundry, who is in charge of the bedtime routine for the kids so the other can catch some quiet evening time. With things changing week-to-week, we can only do one week at a time, but it is SOOOOOOOOO nice to be in it together. I work on Saturdays so my husband is in charge of the kiddos -planning play dates or outings for the 3 of them and making dinner. I heard him say to a friend the other day, “I am amazed at all that goes on at home and all there is to do. I was so tired.” He even baked me cookies — LOL.
-The Svensson Family (WA)
With a hectic schedule we don’t have time to tell each other what we were doing, let alone get together and do it. Now we keep a family calendar that helps us stay up to date on plans and we share shopping and to do lists so there’s no more calling each other to see if anything is needed at the store. I just view the shopping list on my phone or see what’s been checked off on the to do list. Everyone loves it.
-The Mateas Family (OR)
I started using Cozi last month. My family is very active with multiple sports and interests. Often, I need to drop 2 and sometimes 3 kids off in different places at the same time. In addition to the crazy chauffeur schedule, I just started working again—the first time I’ve worked full-time out of the home in 6 years. My time is extremely limited and our schedules have never been fuller. Thankfully, I read an article that mentioned Cozi. I started adding our activities and loved the automatic repeat feature. I only had to add a practice once and with one click, Cozi kept adding it week after week. Compared to a hanging calendar, it was so much easier and quicker. My husband can see what the weekend game schedules look like while I know where I need to be once I leave work each day. Cozi has really reduced a lot of anxiety from our schedule.
-The Burau Family (IL)
With 3 kids, 2 in high school and a first grader, we are really busy. I use Cozi to organize all of their activities and it keeps us all on top it every day of the week.
-The Taylor Family (IL)
What divorced or separated families say:
I’m divorced and my ex and I use Cozi to keep track of the boys’ schedules…school, church, sports, assignments, play dates, etc. It helps to keep us organized and is improving our communication.
-The Hogues (IL)
This app is the best thing to fall on my lap! I am divorced and we have a young son. We use this app to keep track of our son’s appointments and activities. We also use the journal to get an idea of what our son has been up to while spending time with each of us.
-Cozi iPhone app review
I use Cozi to stay on top of things because I am a divorced Dad with 2 busy kids (soccer, hockey, school, etc). I put their schedules on my Outlook, share them with family categories and update Cozi so that we all know what everyone else is doing. My kids have an easy way to see what they are doing day to day, who they are with, what free time they have etc. It’s great. I am now starting to use it for grocery lists, which my kids also have feedback on.
-Brad (Canada)
What military families say:
I am a military wife, with two active boys, and four active schedules to track. I use the calendar to keep all of our schedules and reoccurring events, such as Army appointments, sports, birthdays, even weekly yellow/blue days at school. I use the shopping lists, and have ‘To Do’ lists for everyone in my home.
Being a military family we have moved many times, left family behind, and made new friends along the way. The Cozi journal allows me to keep my friends and the Grandparents up to date with our monthly enewsletter. Days of emailing out pictures to family, and turning around to write the same thing while updating pictures to my Facebook and friends are over. One place, I put the info in, it goes out to everyone!
[Cozi] is also wonderful for my husband. He has been deployed to Iraq 27 out of 36 months and when he returns home, falling into our routine (or not getting lost in it), is made easier with reminders of where to be and when. The ability to access our Cozi from anywhere in the world helps him stay in touch. He not only can view our family journal, but he can watch our family calendar for the best time to call home and catch us all in one place. He also has nothing to worry about when no one answers the phone and he sees from our calendar that we had soccer and T-ball games all that weekend. We are one unified family no matter where we are in the world!
-The Moran Family (CA)
With an active family of 4, we need it to keep school activities and family activities in check. I travel for my job and my military husband needs Cozi’s features to remind him of the daily tasks that occur. If we didn’t have Cozi to keep track of all the therapy appointments, doctor’s appointments, sports practices and games, school events and school calendars, and general family outings, we would probably forget half of the activities and run late for the other half. I use the grocery list so my husband can pick up last minute items on his way home from work and I can keep managing the household chores. I also love the journal and picture entries.
-The Hufton Family (VA)
What families with homeschooled kids say:
Cozi helps me stay on top of my family’s Homeschooling activities. Last year was our first year, and I missed out on a few activities because I lost track….but this year, I’ve been able to manage all the events I don’t want to miss.
-The Munoz Family (CA)
I used Cozi to lay out our family’s homeschool curriculum for the entire school year! Now all of my children can access their own calendars and see what we’re going to be working on in any given week. My 10-year-old especially loves seeing her assignments all listed out on the calendar.
-The Crawford Family (NC)
I am a homeschooling mom who needs Cozi to keep track of a lot of things: my children’s daily school work, outside appointments, shopping lists, daily chores. Since I do not want to be homeschooling on the days the public school is not in session, Cozi has been a big help in downloading the public school schedule so I know when we can enjoy a day off from our studies! Cozi gives me one “go to” calendar.
-The Berg Family (NJ)