Los Angeles Dodgers Schedule
Did you know that you can integrate feeds from other calendars, like work and sports schedules, with Cozi? Learn more about using Cozi with other calendars.
Here, we’ve made it easy to add major league baseball schedules to your Cozi account.
Use the button below to track the games from your Cozi Calendar. You’ll get the game schedule and see whether games are postponed or rescheduled.
Manage Calendar feeds in Cozi
Once you’ve added an Internet Calendar feed (like this MLB schedule) to Cozi, you can remove it at any time. In your Cozi app, go to Family > Family Settings and scroll down to Manage Calendars to see all of your calendar feeds, set which family member sees the events, and delete if you no longer wish to view the events.
To manage Calendar feeds using Cozi on the web, go to my.cozi.com and sign in to your account. Then choose Set up > Internet calendars.
Cozi Calendar TIP
With Calendar Search, a premium feature of Cozi Gold, you can view a list of events with common keywords. This feature is a great way to view just the team schedule so it’s easy to see upcoming game dates. Try it for free with a 14-day trial of Cozi Gold.
Back to all Major League Baseball Schedules
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