Virtual Camps, Summer Reading Lists and Other Ways Cozi Families are Planning Summer

Some areas of the world are slowly opening up while other areas are still staying home. Since summer 2020 is hard to predict, we asked Cozi families how they plan to use Cozi to stay organized and inspired.
Many families have said they will use Cozi to keep their family on track and remind them of fun activities they can do. Still, one family said “We have nothing in our Cozi as we’re not sure what is going to happen”. If your plans are still up in the air, the ideas below can provide you some insightful tips to help make summer 2020 memorable!
- “Because of the COVID-19 I may not be working the summer as I planned. I am looking to use Cozi as a way to keep myself and my family on track with a schedule.”
- “I am planning to download the Cozi Summer Printables once we know a bit more about the COVID situation. I’ll start filling in on paper first and then enter into the app.“
- “I use Cozi to organize my teens work schedules, sports schedules, camps and vacation all while getting them prepped for SAT’s. Hopefully they cam keep it all straight!“
- “Camps are off the table so I am going to plan periodic events to keep us active and list them in the calendar ahead of time so the kids can have some input.“
- “There really isn’t much to organize right now since our summer programs and beaches will still be closed but I am hoping to catch up on our Dr.’s appointments if they open up soon for regular non emergency appointments.“
- “I’ll be using Cozi to keep track of all of the virtual meetings for myself and kids, plus meal planning is a must since we’re eating at home almost every night.“
- “We will be using Cozi as the weather warms up! We’re planning our days so we are active and schedule one fun activity a day.“
- “I just got furloughed 1 day a week for the summer. I’ll be losing 20% of my pay but I’ll be off 1 day. Thankfully, Cozi will help me track the 1 day that I will NOT be working but actually living my life the way I want. Making lemonade out of lemons!“
- “I’m planning lots of bike rides and beach time!“
- “This is a great opportunity for me to schedule virtual tours and summer camps for my kids, plus online courses for myself.“
- “We are scheduling family bonding with agreed activity such as camping trips, games at home, activities, trips together outside the home, family meetings with an agenda of family activities, volunteer activities and purging things from our home to donate“
- “We use Cozi to mostly keep track of our shared grocery lists.“
- “I will be using the app for my lists, any lists, shopping, packing, to-do, errands…”
- “We plan our summer with To-Do lists. 1. We make an activity list, then add them to the calendar & check them off. 2. We make multiple shopping list.“
- “We are going to use Cozi Lists to create chore lists, reminders for fun activities, summer reading ideas and items we need from the store.“
- “I put errands in addition to groceries on my grocery list; I put things I need to do around the house on my To-Do list. I used to break down the lists more, but found I didn’t look at all the lists, so this works well to constantly remind me“
- “I use the lists to organize where I need to go and what I am getting. I LOVE IT!“
- “Any plans will be in the calendar, supplies for fun at home will be in the lists and notes will have ideas for things to do.“
- “We love the Cozi app. We use it all the time for grocery lists, meal planning, and to do lists. Awesome app!”
- “We plan on each person deciding their meal plan for the day it is their turn to pick then adding the food items to our Shopping List.“
- “I will be using the Cozi Family Organizing App for meal planning… that’s in addition to already using the app to keep my husband and myself updated about each other’s schedules.“
- “I’ll be using Cozi to keep track of all of the virtual meetings for myself and kids, plus meal planning is a must since we’re eating at home almost every night.“
- “We’ve been loving the Recipes function of Cozi! It’s a great way to not only try new things but schedule in our favorite summer meals.“
- “We are going to make sure our grocery list is regularly updated for cook outs, then enter these events on our calendar and look up great new recipes!“
- “All our meals are listed in Cozi so the kids know what to expect for dinner.”
- “I plan to use Cozi Recipes to teach my kids how to cook this summer!”
- “With not much on our calendars it’s a great time to explore recipes and have fun with food.”
Cozi Family Organizer is the must-have app for busy families - easy to use and free in the app store. You'll wonder how you managed your busy life before Cozi. Get Cozi today!