Happy Mother’s Day from Cozi!

To all the moms out there, we hope you have a wonderful, worry-free day!
Are we crazy to believe a worry-free day is even possible as a mom? Maybe so. But here is our gift to you. We’ll fill you in on something we know for certain – you are not alone.
We just finished reading thousands of your biggest worries from our recent family study and want you to know that none of the worries came in only once.
Do you worry about… Keeping the house clean? Having enough money to pay the bills? Getting everyone where they need to be on time? Getting a job? Having the time and energy after work to spend quality time with the kids? Feeding the family healthy meals? Caring for elderly family members? Whether your kids are handing in their homework on time? Getting a work project done? How your child with separation anxiety is doing at school? Connecting with your children often enough? Finding good summer camps? Whether your kids are on the right track for college? Being sick and not being able to be the parent? Your husband’s health? Your child’s health? Missing a deadline at work? Bullying? The broken washing machine? (This is about 1% of the list.)
You do? Then please know that you’re in AMAZING company. And you’re an AMAZING mom because you care so much. (Have AMAZING mom friends? Pass on the message!)
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