Are Your Kids in Spring Sports? Cozi Keeps Your Season Organized

It’s that time of year: Spring sports season. That means juggling a mesh bag of soccer balls and a sloshing cooler of water—and it means juggling Kaya’s soccer schedule with Pablo’s baseball schedule (plus your regular commitments).
With Cozi, you can track sports schedules easily—whether you have one, two, or five! Stay on track by integrating your sports calendars and then using Calendar Search, family member filtering, lists, and more.
Add sports schedules automatically: Use calendar integration
Are you adding each practice and game one by one? Cozi can simplify the process.
Automatically integrate outside calendars, like sports calendars, into your Cozi Family Calendar. Try integrating your sports schedule if you use TeamSnap, SportsEngine, ArbiterSports, Crossbar, HorizonWebRef, Byga, or others.
After you follow a few quick steps for each calendar, Cozi will display all the games and practices from those calendars.
Add a series with just one action: Use recurring events
Even if you don’t have an external calendar to integrate, use Cozi to set up recurring events—like Wednesday night baseball practice @ 5pm—instead of adding practices and games individually.
When you’re adding an event, use “Repeats” to indicate that the event will happen on an ongoing basis. After you choose the cadence, enter the date that the series will end, and hit Save. Done!
See just one kid’s schedule: Filter by family member
Need a quick snapshot of Kaya’s schedule to check if she has any conflicts with her soccer practices?
Use Calendar filtering to view events for just one family member. Select the people/filter icon at the top of the Calendar screen and select the family member you’d like to view. The calendar will show only that family member’s events.
Make your schedule more visual: Use emojis
If you add a baseball emoji to Pablo’s baseball events and a soccer ball to Kaya’s events, then it’s easy to visualize how their schedules coordinate and overlap—without even reading the event titles.
Just scan your calendar and spot the balls.
Remember everything you need to bring to games: Make a list
It’s complicated enough to keep track of sports schedules, and that’s even before you start tracking all the sports paraphernalia: uniform, water bottle, balls, bats, cleats, socks, shin guards, helmets, bags of orange slices…
It’s so easy to let one thing slip and then discover partway into the game that Kaya, panting on the sidelines, doesn’t have anything to drink.
Make a list on Cozi! Check things off as you schlep them into the car, and poor Kaya won’t get dehydrated. (Better yet, ask Kaya to check items off the list as she gathers them.)
Focus on one or more sports schedules: Use Calendar Search (a Cozi Gold feature!)
Search for “Little League,” “Mountain Lions,” or “practice” to quickly limit the calendar results and get upcoming events that match the search term.
You can even search for more than one term at once, like “soccer” and “baseball” to pull up both soccer and baseball games. This will help you check if you need to be in two places at the same time. Then you can arrange backup beforehand, instead of having a last-minute panic.
(If you’re looking to upgrade to Cozi Gold for Calendar Search and many more great features, visit your settings to start your subscription today.)
There you have it! These 6 tips will help you simplify and organize spring sports schedules and get the most out of Cozi. It only takes a couple minutes to add schedules to your Cozi calendar and create lists!
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