Be Prepared for Your Schedule with Agenda Emails

Your Cozi Calendar is a wealth of information. But what if you forget to look at it? This is where Cozi’s daily and weekly agenda emails come in.
What is an agenda email?
Agenda emails list all your upcoming events—everything on the calendar that day, or everything on the calendar for the week.
The weekly one comes early Sunday morning. The daily ones come early every morning.
Why do I need agenda emails?
Planning ahead won’t help that much if you don’t know what’s coming up. What if you get an unexpected ping when you’re 10 minutes into a haircut? Johnny might need to be picked up from taekwondo, but your head is covered in shampoo.
How does the agenda email help keep me on track?
When you get the email, you can look it over in detail, double-check for conflicts, and check in with your family. Or you can just take in the big picture at a glance. Either way, now you’re prepared to meet the week with more confidence and clarity.
What’s the result?
When you’re schedule-savvy, nothing comes as a surprise. You can book your haircut earlier, move it to the next day, or get your spouse to take Johnny to his martial arts class.
How to get Agenda emails
On iOS:
Step 1. Tap the Family icon on the bottom right of the app.
Step 2. Tap Settings and locate Family Member Settings.
Step 3. Choose the Family Members who want to receive agenda emails.*
Step 4. Under Receive Agenda Emails, tap the checkbox to select either daily, weekly, or both.
Step 5. Tap Save in the top right corner to save these preferences.
On Android:
Step 1. Tap the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner.
Step 2. Tap “Settings” under the colored dots that represent your family members.
Step 3. Under “Account Settings,” tap “Agenda Emails.” (You’ll probably have to scroll to see it.)*
Step 4. Select who receives daily agendas and who receives weekly agendas. (You can receive one, the other, both, or neither.)*
Step 5. Tap the back button (the arrow) in the top left corner.
*Important Note: Each family member who wants to receive a weekly and/or daily agenda email needs to have a valid email address set up—and that email needs to be verified. If you see an exclamation mark next to a family member’s name under Settings, it means their email must be verified before they can get agenda emails.
How to fix it: Tap on the family member’s name. Confirm that the email address is correct for that family member. (Common mistakes include missing a character or misspelling a domain such as “gnail.”) Then, tap the link titled “Verify this member’s email address” and choose Send Verification. Once the family member verifies their email (by clicking the link in the verification email), then they can receive agenda emails!
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