Cozi App Privacy Options

When you use the free version of the Cozi app, we show you personalized advertising based on information that advertising networks collect about you. This information is based on your Advertising ID, which is stored on your device (mobile phone or tablet). Cozi does not have access to, or store, your Advertising ID outside of your device.

If you wish to receive anonymous advertisements (not based on your activity or preferences), you must update your device settings, and then the advertising networks that Cozi uses are required to respect your settings. You must do this on every device where you use the Cozi app.

For Apple Devices

In your Settings, select Privacy, select Advertising, and enable the Limit Ad Tracking setting.

For Android Devices

In your device Settings, select Google, select Ads, and enable the Opt out of Ads Personalization setting.

If you need assistance with your device privacy settings, email


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